Support: community vs email (Read this first)

Heya. Totally get you don’t want direct contact from free plans. But just wanted to let you know that you have a bug that impacts Python apps that use SQLAlchemy . When you set the DATABASE_URL, you use the postgres://, but it should be postgresql://. See this StackOverflow. If there is another way to get you the bug, let me know.

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Hola necesito que me devuelvan el dinero que me quitaron por favor, yo ya había deshabilitado la cuenta y me acaban de quitar dinero de la tarjeta

I can’t create any post
when I create a post , the page seem not exist

Our akismet bot prevention flagged your 4 consecutive posts, sorry about that!

I’ve marked then as not spam

Hey team, i paid yesterday but your systems automatically downgraded me to free plan, i cant move ahead now

Fiz meu cadastro ontem pelo plano sem custos, e ao colocar meu cartão como pedia na hora do cadastro da minha conta, foi cobrado um valor diferente dos planos, mas indiferente do valor cobrado, não aceitei nenhum pagamento, apenas fiz cadastro na conta no plano sem custos. alguém pode me dar suporte para entender o valor cobrado e como extornar?

Oi @brunatholl

Essa charge é feita pelo sistema de checagem de risco e não é uma cobrança, ele só checa o cartão e cancela imediatamente (verifiquei aqui no nosso Stripe que está cancelado). Seu provedor do cartão deve estar demorando para atualizar com sua bandeira (Visa/Mastercard).

tl;dr: nada foi cobrado de verdade, era um check de cartão.

Se tiver mais dúvidas você pode mandar email para (de preferência em inglês) para ter suporte com isso!


Obrigada pelo suporte, assim que mandei email recebi o extorno do valor.

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I’m not on a free plan, but when I go to the support page it tells me I need a paid plan. This is getting discouraging.

Hi Carl! What plan are you currently on? Premium support and the support portal are only available for customers on the Launch plan and above.

We are currently on the hobby plan. Still it seems to me the software should work. Launching a console boots me out every time as soon as it starts. I haven’t been able to log in in 3 days and I have work to do.

Hi @carlsmith - I just responded to you in your other thread!

There’s a markup glitch in the dashboard interface, where div are being directly nested under an ordered list.

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This is the first time i am using your website and i deployed the project it says Your launch was a success! and i merged the github repo as well an Hou passed already but when i click on the link it says This site can’t be reached, is this something related to your internal errors or its reated to my deployement ?

I’m being charged for a machine and volume that I can’t stop/restart/suspend/destroy. I’ve tried through the web console and cli and I keep getting a useless error message and nothing happens. Fair warning, I will file a chargeback once I get billed for this machine/volume.

Email billing, they should resolve these kinds of issues no problem

I shouldn’t have to pay $30/month just to get support in killing/destroying a machine/volume.

The billing address that he mentioned doesn’t require a support plan.

(Any user can send there.)

Try to phrase things neutrally and just in terms of getting the fee waived, etc., though…

For questions about a specific invoice or account management issues, email us at



I’m having an issue with my app as described here:

Willing to have a fast response from your support, I’m wiling to pay 29$/month to activate the plan now and have access to the support.

However, it seems it will be activated only on March 1st. However, my problem is urgent and I need support now.

I’m paying a fair price (60$+/month) for the organisation FBN___. I do hope you will be able to connect me to your support team.


Hi, send an email to and we can fix your plan for you to access support before March 1.

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