Is there an issue with `top2.nearest.of.xxxx.internal`

I have a node application attached to a postgres instance, both on Fly.

I’m using this database url since the beginning of time (2 years+)


For unknown reasons, this does not seem to work anymore: I have a failing healthcheck:

2025-02-20T12:08:14Z app[148ed434c15058] fra [info]healthcheck ❌ {
2025-02-20T12:08:14Z app[148ed434c15058] fra [info]  error: PrismaClientKnownRequestError:
2025-02-20T12:08:14Z app[148ed434c15058] fra [info]  Invalid `prisma.user.count()` invocation:
2025-02-20T12:08:14Z app[148ed434c15058] fra [info]  Can't reach database server at `fra.top2.nearest.of.fbn___den-db.internal`:`5432`
2025-02-20T12:08:14Z app[148ed434c15058] fra [info]  Please make sure your database server is running at `fra.top2.nearest.of.fbn___en-db.internal`:`5432`.

Was there some changes I’m unaware of ? Is there an issue with FRA ?

Both instances seems to run, including the database:

➜  ~  fly status -a fbn___den-db
ID              STATE   ROLE            REGION  CHECKS                          IMAGE                           CREATED                  UPDATED
32871e3ad40785  started readonly        fra     3 total, 1 passing, 2 critical  flyio/postgres:14.6 (v0.0.41)   2024-07-03T01:26:46Z     2024-08-27T18:56:45Z

➜  ~  fly status -a fbn___den
  Name     = fbn___den
  Owner    = fbn___
  Hostname =
  Image    = fbn___den:main-cf1a7075c10f1c0ff7d74b79bdbf1e7e21f74f2c

PROCESS ID              VERSION REGION  STATE   ROLE    CHECKS                          LAST UPDATED
app     148ed434c15058  176     fra     started         2 total, 1 passing, 1 critical  2025-02-20T12:25:01Z
app     78111def9921e8  172     fra     started         2 total, 1 passing, 1 critical  2025-02-17T11:07:28Z

I tried to use a different database url using fly secrets with others potential hostnames I found here and there:


Without success…

Hey @binajmen , from those fly status outputs, your database looks to be unhealthy. It’s in a readonly state, and failing two health checks.

Most often going readonly means it’s filled up the volume, in which case you’d need to extend it. I’d recommend checking your db healthchecks with fly checks list -a <db_app_name> and your databaes logs for more info. Those should point you in the direction of what’s going wrong with it

This was indeed the cause. I solved it by extending the volume size

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