Unable to delete volume, unhandled upstream service error

Hello, I created a volume with 10GB but I’m not able to delete it. I thought it could be a temporary error, so I waited 1 more day, but when I type fly volumes delete <id> I keep getting the following message:

Deleting a volume is not reversible.
? Are you sure you want to delete this volume? Yes
Error failed deleting volume: unhandled upstream service error: error renaming lv: error creating volume:   Existing logical volume "app_117957_VOLUME_NAME_48053" not found in volume group "data_0"
: exit status 5

I’m in fra region

Any suggestion? :pray:

Gah, we’re chasing bugs like this down. We’ve fixed a bunch but not this one. I cleared it up for you, sorry about that.

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:scream: Thank you! Hope this might help you with the bug chase :crossed_fingers:

I am getting the same error:

Error failed deleting volume: unhandled upstream service error: error renaming lv: error creating volume:   Existing logical volume "app_125882_VOLUME_NAME_51364" not found in volume group "data_0"
: exit status 5

When I tried to delete it the first time, it ran into a timeout. After that, I got this error message every time.

@kurt @fly.io I get the same error while trying to delete a volume.
Additionally, I cannot create another volume. The response does not send a valid ID, and there is no volume in the list.

Update: Create of a volume is now working. And deleting the freshly created volumes is also working. But an older volume (2 weeks old) cannot be removed.

I also have a 2 weeks old volume that cannot be deleted:

? Are you sure you want to destroy this volume? Yes
DEBUG --> POST https://api.fly.io/graphql

  "query": "mutation($input: DeleteVolumeInput!) { deleteVolume(input: $input) { app { name } } }",
  "variables": {
    "input": {
      "volumeId": "vol_0o6d42g90d9v87gy"

DEBUG <-- 500 https://api.fly.io/graphql (21.04s)

  "errors": [
      "message": "You hit a Fly API error with request ID: 01H4BFNPWKTC2PFV1G7FE5MQVJ-lhr",
      "extensions": {
        "code": "SERVER_ERROR",
        "fly_request_id": "01H4BFNPWKTC2PFV1G7FE5MQVJ-lhr"
  "data": {}
Error: failed destroying volume: You hit a Fly API error with request ID: 01H4BFNPWKTC2PFV1G7FE5MQVJ-lhr