Upgraded to launch yesterday and paid, but systems again downgraded to hobby

Hey, I paid and upgraded to launch yesterday, paid the invoice, but now i’m downgraded to the “legacy hobby” plan

There is no support for hobby, so i thought i’ll pay again and get refund via support, but i cant pay only

Can anyone please upgrade my plan back to scale? I’ve already paid yesterday

As you can see below, i’ve already paid:

Added billing

i’d try emailing billing@fly.io (think that’s the right email address…)

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Already done, no response

Tried to tweet too get their attention, but I guess they just dont care

$18 wasted it seems, now i feel like it was my mistake i decided to upgrade when their billing infra was being upgraded lol

Hi @rohanrajpal, sorry about this, we’re looking into it (and I’m responding to your billing email now).

For posterity, should others encounter an issue like this, email billing@fly.io as first port of call; we’re happy to refund in instances where there’s been an obvious error on our part.


Yep I did that, but got a reply 2 days later, tho yes I did mail on a weekend (Jul 13, 2024, 11:23 AM IST)

But since I paid, was expecting support as I was totally locked out, other issues could wait until working days

Just to set expectations here, I believe we only offer “round the clock” support (i.e. guaranteed response times) on the Enterprise plan. If you’re on Launch, you get weekday support.

I’m sure even if I was on the enterprise plan I would have got no support since I was downgraded because of a mistake on your end & even the launch plan support email was gone.

Yes you’re absolutely right! I was more trying to clarify what the Launch plan support expectation is, independent of your specific situation.

I think in your case we refunded the prorated charge for this month? That would be my expectation given your situation.

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