Unknown error when creating apps

Creating app in /home/samuel/Sites/amibase/app
Scanning source code
Detected a Dockerfile app
? App Name (leave blank to use an auto-generated name): amibase
? Select organization: Samuel Richardson (personal)
? Select region: dfw (Dallas, Texas (US))

Error An unknown error occured.

I’ve tried in a few different regions with the same error, also under different organisations.

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We have a few intermittent errors happening on the network, the team is looking into it. Should be resolved soon.

I’m getting the error Something went wrong (500) at fly.io/apps.

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I’m unable to “launch” currently. Maybe related?

myrepo (master) $ flyctl launch
Creating app in /path/to/repo
Scanning source code
Detected a Dockerfile app
? App Name (leave blank to use an auto-generated name):
Automatically selected personal organization: Me
? Select region: lax (Los Angeles, California (US))

Error An unknown error occured.

Confirmed, I’m seeing the same error as @user29

Yeah, there’s a few internal errors happening on the network, we’re looking into it. Will update soon.

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We had a partial API outage (which also caused UI errors) due to an issue connecting to our Vault cluster. It’s all cleaned up now and you should be good to go.

We had a partial API outage (which also caused UI errors) due to an issue connecting to our Vault cluster. It’s all cleaned up now and you should be good to go.

All’s well for me now. Thanks.

We have a status page here as well https://status.flyio.net/ for future reference.