~/dev/project ❯ fly redis connect
? Select a database to connect to <name> (ams) <project>
Proxying local port 16379 to remote [<ipv6>]:6379
I/O error>
Not from flyctl and my application is also unable to connect (from ams, den and scl) causing constant restarts until it gives up causing downtime unfortunately.
~/dev/project ❯ fly redis status <name>
ID = 7zo2y0Pz5oVQ7u9K2k6
Name = <name>
Plan = Free
Primary Region = ams
Read Regions =
Private URL = redis://default:<password>@<name>.upstash.io
@jsierles I scaled my app down to 0 processes when this ocurred (personal app, no big deal) and have checked the status page several times since then to see when the issue was resolved and I could scale back up. After seeing this thread, I scaled the app back up and everything seems to be working normally. However, https://status.flyio.net/ still says the issue is identified but unresolved? Just wanted to point that out in case it has been fully resolved.