Hi. I’m sure you have lots of customers who care about having some kind of free tier or trial, but for what it’s worth, I care less about that than about having usage-based pricing that can scale to close to 0 when the usage is low. I’m disappointed to be reading that LiteFS Cloud has a $5/mo minimum and that having multiple orgs per account might start incurring a $5/mo minimum (per org?).
What made me a fan of fly.io when I first joined was the ability to purchase $25 in prepaid credits and then use them as slowly as I like. If all I need is a 1GB volume and a machine that scales to 0 and only receives a little bit of traffic on it, then I only need to spend less than $1/mo and those credits will last me several years. I’ve been raving about this to friends.
For example, I have one friend who builds WordPress sites for her friends. Her use case would be to create an org per friend, but not if each one of those added a $5/mo minimum to her bill. I have another friend who’s a college teacher and is considering using fly.io for his students to deploy and run apps that they create for the class to. In order to have each student not have to have or use their own credit card, he would consider signing up with his own credit card and creating an org for each student, but not if that added a $5/mo minimum charge per student.
I hope you consider cases like this when figuring out your new pricing structure for orgs, reconsider your $5/mo minimum for LiteFS Cloud, and consider this for any new services you launch. I completely respect your need to prevent abuse of resources and to be profitable, but I hope there’s a way for you to achieve that while still allowing low-resource-needing apps to run for cheap without being priced out of all your great innovations to come.