Machines - fees


I just created an “App” for SWGOH games to track arena movements.

When I created it, automatically gave me 2 machines.
However, I only need 1 machine so I deleted one.
I noticed 2 things:

  1. I am going to be charged “Current month so far” from $0 to $0.02.
    It is not a lot but the aim was not to pay.
  2. On the “App builders”, the machine was before active and now is suspended " []"
    → I tried several times to delete it but it keeps coming back (for some reasons, I’m sure).


  1. how to avoid paying those fees ? Should I put back the machine that I deleted ?
    As I saw that “ will start charging for stopped machines”.

Thank you for your help.

By default ,Fly created two machine for high availability . If you want to deploy only a single machine ,use the following flag .

fly deploy --ha=false

It’s maybe because of RootFS fees .Fly charge for stop machines RootFS usage. According to fly, you can stop this charge by running your machine 24/7. To disable auto stopping your machine, please made following change to your fly.toml file

auto_stop_machines = false

App builder are free machines which are created for deploy your apps to fly platform. App Builders are required for every single build.So if you delete all the app builders and initiate a new build/deploy for your app, a new app builder machine will be created .That is the reason they are keeps coming back.

They are completely Free. You don’t need to worry about them , They will automatically delete after a specific time and not added to your bill.

Related Discussions are here-

Thank you for your answer.

I tried but it is not working. There are always 2 machines working.

This is the information of the fly.toml:

"app = ‘march-2024-squad’
primary_region = ‘ams’


ha = false → Not working

internal_port = XX
force_https = true
auto_stop_machines = false → OK
auto_start_machines = true
min_machines_running = 0
processes = [‘app’]

memory = ‘1gb’
cpu_kind = ‘shared’
cpus = 1"


I think you will find your solution in this post .

Just a reminder, this configuration is not eligible for free allowance . Free allowance is Up to 3 shared-cpu-1x 256mb VMs

  cpu_kind = "shared"
  cpus = 1
  memory_mb = 256
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For the link you sent me: I did that before but I thought there might be another way. Thanks a lot, I followed what they wrote and it worked.

Regarding the VM → I modified to have the free allowance.

A big thanks for your help !

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