Livebook migration to v2 fails (suspended)

Continuing the discussion from Livebook app is suspended after upgraded to v2 machine:

I’m running into the same issue, but because I still have a lock, I can’t fix this.
I’ve found a topic by someone one asking how to remove a lock, but there’s no response. Is the only option to wait?

Hi @tcoopman,

You haven’t mentioned what you’ve tried already, but it seems the fly migrate-to-v2 troubleshoot command (which hadn’t yet been released at that time) would have done the trick in the case of the discussion you linked.

I was mostly running into the lock and was looking for a way to delete the lock.
I might try again later, because I noticed that migrating to v2 on the elixir livebook failed every time (tried twice) Livebook · Launch on

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