(*Nobody here is a loser, we just wanted a Mean Girls reference)
We’ve been making a lot of noise about Apps V2 lately - and not without cause. They are more reliable, easier to control, and sometimes even cheaper! We’re finally ready to make a push to get everyone off of Nomad (V1) and onto machines (V2).
We’re going to talk a little bit about the “why” for moving over to Apps V2, but we’re also including a rough map of how we expect this process to go and what you need to be aware of during the transition.
Why should I migrate my apps?
We’ve been holding Nomad wrong. It’s great software - it’s also not intended to be used for what we’re using it for. Having custom, in-house orchestration gives us the chance to make everything way more configurable anyway; instead of a black box that takes app configs and spits out VMs, you get sensible defaults and the ability to customize the hell out of your app as you see fit.
In more concrete terms, this means faster deploys, much better reliability, granular control over particular VMs, and much more predictable lifecycles for your apps.
So what’s the plan?
- We’ve flipped the giant “Apps V2 Default” switch for all new orgs. Hooray
- This post informs everyone that we’re serious about moving off of Nomad. We’re serious about moving off of Nomad. You have been officially informed.
- On Tuesday (May 16th), we’ll flip another comically oversized lever - this time, it’s the “Apps v2 for all new apps” switch. Once this happens, all new apps end up on the new platform regardless of account age. During this phase, existing Nomad apps behave just the same as before.
- We start migrating the remaining V1 apps from the backend in phases, starting with tiny single-instance apps and moving upward in complexity. We will do these in batches so we can properly support you after your migration.
Nomad is gone
- Profit…?!?
What can I do if something goes wrong?
We’ve been making a lot of internal changes lately to improve our support structure. If something goes wrong, make noise wherever you can (be it a paid support mailbox or the community forum) and we will work to make sure this process goes smoothly for everyone. We’re committed to making sure that you come out on the other end with a more reliable app that’s easier to work with.
If you want to be proactive, go ahead and migrate your apps! Doing this yourself can give you the peace of mind in knowing that there aren’t any surprises down the road. If you’re worried about this or need extra time, reach out to us and we will help you through it.
If you don’t want to migrate your apps yourself, they will be migrated to v2 automatically over the next couple weeks. We’ll keep you updated on our progress so you know what apps are up for migration next.
Once your apps are moved to the new platform, you should be able to use the same commands and dockerfiles you know and love - just, this time, everything will be faster and more reliable.
TLDR: We are phasing out V1/Nomad apps over the coming weeks, starting with making all new apps V2 apps, then migrating existing apps over to the new platform.