Hey there, my app was auto-migrated to v2 of fly, and now I don’t know how to go about it, but my “Allocations” need to be refreshed or shut down since this one is running obsolete code. How do I go about doing this?
At least, I think that’s what I need to do because the requests are showing 2 different pages based off of which VM is being pinged.
There should be only one VM instance, but it’s not respecting it.
Sorry if I’m vague but 34fbaedf (allocation) is running old code, and clients should only be hitting 148ed311b34d48 (machine)
I tried
fly apps set-platform-version detached
fly scale count 0
fly apps set-platform-version machines
from here
but I got this:
cannot migrate to machines platform version with existing nomad allocations
Thank you