Getting "You must have a paid plan on organization <name> to use the region bom" despite being on the Hobby plan

Hey! I am getting this error stating “You must have a paid plan on organization to use the region bom” despite me being on the hobby plan. Please get it checked. Thank you.

Any help with this? I do not expect this from a service after paying.

You can lookup all the regions via fly platform regions and see that bom is paid-only region

This is likely just bad documentation, and is quite confusing. Hobby tier is the only tier that does not support this. Confusingly both the $0 plan and the $5 plan are… both called Hobby. Which hobby is which? How is a $5 hobby not “paid”?

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Exactly my question. I paid 5 USD for the hobby plan which apparently is not even considered as paid?

I will just try my luck getting a refund at this point since I did not expect the PaaS I use to take this long to setup, sticking to Render for now.

Is the 5 USD plan called “Hobby” not considered paid?

hi @ultrakkkkil

The $5 Hobby plan is fairly new and we do need to update the docs. The paid-plan-only regions (currently bom and fra) require a Launch plan or higher.

Feel free to reach out to if you signed up only to deploy in the bom region and wish to cancel your plan.

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