When launching a django app with fly launch, the provisioning of a “testing” database fails but when selecting a production grade HA database setup it works.
Provisioning 1 of 1 machines with image flyio/postgres-flex:15.3@sha256:44b698752cf113110f2fa72443d7fe452b48228aafbb0d93045ef1e3282360a6
Failed creating the Postgres cluster supportbasedb: failed to create volume: failed to create volume: Temporary error creating volume. Please run `fly volumes list` in a few minutes and see if it cleared up.
Error creating Postgres database. Be warned that this may affect deploys
I’m Dave, good to meet you. Thanks for providing the error message, that’s helpful! I’m going to dig in and validate this myself, but while I do that I thought I’d mention that I saw this issue crop up for someone else as well here. It looks like that solution might work well for you as well (which is… just try it again? )
In the meantime, I’ll see if I can’t get more details as to why this happened to you and validate that I can successfully create volumes for a production grade database.