Duplicate volumes?

After being automatically migrated to v2 a few weeks later all of my apps are reporting they have a “duplicate volume”. What happened here and how do I know which one to remove?

Hi @singpolyma

When we migrated apps with volumes, we created new volumes and kept the old volumes just in case there were any issues. We’ve been sending out emails about this with more info and steps to delete the old volumes. If you didn’t get an email and you have concerns about billing, contact billing@fly.io.

The old volumes are there if you need them, but if your app is working with the new volumes and you don’t need the old ones anymore, you can delete them.

To clean up old volumes:
* run fly volumes list to see all your volumes
* find the volumes you want to remove (most likely your oldest volumes by created date)
* check that the volumes don’t have an attached VM
* run fly volumes destroy <volume id>

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