Consider offering 128MB RAM instances?

Hello! Would you consider offering 64 or 128MB RAM as an option for tasks? It would be nice to go lower than 256MB! I’ve been struggling with adding isolation between parallel instances of low-RAM native tasks with the functionality exposed by the firecracker environment, but if the net cost per VM could go any lower, I wouldn’t need to add application-layer isolation because I’d just spin up more VMs!



We’ve thought about it! We’ll likely do this someday, especially when we can boot these things very quickly. RAM is pretty cheap, though, it’s CPU that’s the bottleneck, so these types of VMs would probably get throttled CPUs as well.


I hope it’s okay that I bump this topic. I would like to second iinfra. I’m starting to build more and more in Rust and there my RAM usage typically stays incredibly low. One production web app that is used internally by about 30 people, with a SQLite database, and running on peaks at about 0.0003 CPU and 20 MB RAM. I suspect there is a big market for hosting tiny services. I currently host them myself on a $5 VPS with a reverse proxy or Cloudflare serverless when possible, but I expect that could do it too.

EDIT: Nevermind, I see Reliability: It's Not Great now. Thanks for sharing that. Hopefully in a few months/years :smile: That’s okay

Not sure what that thread has to do with small ram instances?

FYI, there is also a feature to start/stop machines on requests.