Hey there, I signed up about 3 days ago and my account has been marked as high risk. I have submitted a ticket as well, but I haven’t received a response so far. Since staff seem to be active more on the forums, I am posting here too. Could someone review my account?
I do not have exactly the same issue, but I have contacted support over another billing related question quite a bit back and have not yet had any reply. Tech wise I am all liking fly.io, but I do need some response from support to know where I am at… Could you folks please help out on support@ email, otherwise I need to seek other options.
@le_simon could you direct the support question here to the forum? Email support is in the process of being moved out to a different tier, so you’re much more likely to get a response here.
How exactly are account/billing-specific questions handled on Discourse? Aren’t those conversations supposed to be private? Discussing payment failures or sharing of email addresses doesn’t sit well with the public nature of forums.
Of that note, can forum posters create “Unlisted” threads that are visible only to staff?
If you can put down a generic statement of the problem here, team members can either find the accounts based on the forum details or ask for any sensitive information privately over direct message, like we did with VAT Invoice