A running app shows as suspended

Hello everyone, I have an issue with a V2 app: when I run fly apps list, I see my application as “suspended”. However, it’s reachable via fly.dev url (and the paid domain I linked).

When I go to “Monitoring”, the machine is in state “started”.

fly logs -a my-app-name shows this:

error.message="client problem: invalid authority" 2023-07-02T11:53:24Z proxy sjc [error]request.method="GET" request.url="/" request.id="01H4B76NEQN8WC7CADX4VWRCCJ-sjc" response.status=400
error.message="client problem: invalid authority" 2023-07-03T10:40:29Z proxy sjc [error]request.method="GET" request.url="/" request.id="01H4DNDVP7GFB33SV1AS8ZNSSF-sjc" response.status=400
error.message="client problem: invalid authority" 2023-07-04T05:31:02Z proxy sjc [error]request.method="GET" request.url="/" request.id="01H4FP3YXFNVBXZZDEQRAWXE5Q-sjc" response.status=400

App Type: Apps v2

My other apps are all “normal”, i.e. status “running” and no error logs.

If someone has a potential solution for this, I would appreciate it.

Hi @flyingoutthedoor

We’re considering changing this, but for now “suspended” just means that your Machines are stopped. They are probably stopped because they’re idle (see Automatically Stop and Start Machines · Fly Docs). When you visit the app, a Machine starts up again, and then you’ll see it’s in a “started” state. After a period of idleness, it will stop again.

I’m not sure about those errors though. I notice they’re from awhile ago. Have you tried updating flyctl and redeploying? Are you still getting these errors?

@andie This is again a bug with certificate auto renewal bug. The original domain is broken but fly.dev domain is working. I already reported the exact same problem but received no response from the Fly team;

After redeploying (running my github action), the problem is resolved!

My Github action:

name: Fly Deploy
      - main
    name: Deploy app
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Set up Node.js 14
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: 14
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: npm ci
      - name: Run tests
        run: npm run test
      - uses: superfly/flyctl-actions/setup-flyctl@master
      - run: flyctl deploy --remote-only --wait-timeout 300
          FLY_API_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.FLY_API_TOKEN }}

I need the wait-timeout 300 because the first health check fails:

2023-07-12T11:45:59Z runner[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]Pulling container image registry.fly.io/my-app-name:deployment-01H54YDDBMZD4ZZ386R1KPCGY3
2023-07-12T11:48:02Z runner[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]Successfully prepared image registry.fly.io/my-app-name:deployment-01H54YDDBMZD4ZZ386R1KPCGY3 (2m2.274117825s)
2023-07-12T11:48:05Z runner[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]Configuring firecracker
2023-07-12T11:48:05Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info] INFO Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 231
2023-07-12T11:48:06Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info] INFO Main child exited with signal (with signal 'SIGINT', core dumped? false)
2023-07-12T11:48:06Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info] INFO Starting clean up.
2023-07-12T11:48:06Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info] WARN hallpass exited, pid: 232, status: signal: 15 (SIGTERM)
2023-07-12T11:48:06Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023/07/12 11:48:06 listening on [fdaa:0:asdf:asd:asdf:asdf:asdf:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2023-07-12T11:48:07Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info][1090274.385154] reboot: Restarting system
2023-07-12T11:48:07Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info] INFO Starting init (commit: 762cb27)...
2023-07-12T11:48:07Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info] INFO Preparing to run: `docker-entrypoint.sh node main.js` as root
2023-07-12T11:48:07Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info] INFO [fly api proxy] listening at /.fly/api
2023-07-12T11:48:07Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023/07/12 11:48:07 listening on [fdaa:0:asdf:asd:asdf:asdf:asdf:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2023-07-12T11:48:10Z health[9185996c2e6058] cdg [error]Health check on port 8080 has failed. Your app is not responding properly. Services exposed on ports [80, 443] will have intermittent failures until the health check passes.
2023-07-12T11:48:13Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]getMemoizedSetting (not cached): email.from
2023-07-12T11:48:13Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023-07-12T11:48:13.381Z Ensuring role admin is seeded ...
2023-07-12T11:48:13Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023-07-12T11:48:13.429Z Ensuring role user is seeded ...
2023-07-12T11:48:13Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023-07-12T11:48:13.449Z Ensuring role voter is seeded ...
2023-07-12T11:48:13Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023-07-12T11:48:13.472Z Ensuring user asdf@asdf.com is seeded ...
2023-07-12T11:48:13Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023-07-12T11:48:13.492Z Ensuring user asdf@asdf.com is seeded ...
2023-07-12T11:48:13Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023-07-12T11:48:13.507Z Ensuring user asdf@asdf.com is seeded ...
2023-07-12T11:48:13Z app[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]2023-07-12T11:48:13.539Z Blockchain network starts with: https://eth-sepolia.g.alchemy.com/v2/...
2023-07-12T11:48:30Z health[9185996c2e6058] cdg [info]Health check on port 8080 is now passing.

Thanks for the help!

(PS: seems to have nothing to do with certificate auto-renewal?)

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@elephantshadow sorry to hear you’re having difficulties, but I think your issue is different since @flyingoutthedoor’s app was still reachable.

Will try to have a look at your post as well.

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