Machine STATE reads `started` but web-ui says 'Suspended'

We use the trial version where we have deployed one machine and have been running it successfully and we still have trial credit available.

Suddenly, our machine stopped and the reason seemed to be that our email was not verified. We verified our email and then restarted the machine using flyctl machines restart <our_machine_id>.

When running flyctl status it now says the STATE is started but the web-ui still indicates with the grey rounded icon next to the machine and the text in the top right corner that it is ‘Suspended’.

What do we need to get our machine up and running again?

UPDATE: it now appears to be working correctly but the web-ui is still not updated.’s website is also very slow and it has been consistently slow for us. We are located in Sweden.

Does anyone have any similar experiences or answers? We would very much like to understand the reason for this.

Hi… There has been congestion in the arn region lately, which might be related:

Hope this helps a little!

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Added autoscaling, dashboard, machines

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