Kurt, co-founder at Fly, has said they want to be able to do even more smaller server configurations. I think the only hold up is that they have other pressing features to implement.
I think we’ll end up doing smaller instances, but it won’t be quick. This is for two reasons:
We deal with an awful lot of OOM related support issues. OOMs really make us look bad, they’re a nasty experience that’s hard to really handle well in a UX.
Swap is not without cost. VMs that swap are exchanging RAM for iops. I would be very wary of advertising memory constrained VMs with swap.
We have some ideas, though, we can scale memory up and down dynamically. We’ve thought about billing based …
If costs are a concern, you should give Fly Machines a spin, which can be spun up on-demand: Is there a way to replicate this setup in Fly? - #2 by kurt
Also, they have ideas around idling VMs (to reduce the cost burden), but as before, it is going to be a while before they launch those features.
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