Unexpected usage of outbound bandwidth

In Billing section for this month bandwidth usage is 224$, but in last month it was 5$, it is completely unexpected. More so, I didn’t receive any warning emails about it and in Usage section it lists bandwidth as 0.

Could someone help me identify the app that caused usage spike and confirm that it is not an error on fly’s side? Any help would be great because this usage is tripling my usual bill price :cry: .


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Same here, email sent for billing team but got no reply yet

Bump, got no answer from billing@fly.io

@tea :slightly_frowning_face: While you wait you may be able to at least get some more details about which app it was from https://fly.io/dashboard/ORG/usage/outbound-bandwidth (replacing ORG with your name of course). Of course if that page (or equivalent) shows as 0 that would sound like a mistake.

$200+ suggests about 10TB to NA/EU (I think they charge $0.02/GB … but I believe regions like India cost much more).

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Thanks for the tip, @greg

usage/outbound-bandwidth shows “no data available” for all of my orgs, I am not sure if this part of usage dashboard is working properly at all.

Stripe invoice lists 12TB of EU/NA usage, but I can’t imagine my apps consuming so much bandwidth if not because of a DDoS attack.


Fly notes that the usage is still experimental, so there might be bugs. 2 months ago, I was getting several GB of outbound-bandwidth for a test app that was private. Now it says 0 for the last 2 months.

It could be that all the outbound data usage count is being dumped on your account.
12TB is a lot, have you checked Stripe’s hook history to see how many events it fired? Maybe there’s a retry that perpetually hits your endpoint?

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