Submitting Haiku (not Heroku)

Submitting haiku
To, my friends
Took more than I thought.

On the sign-in page
Greeted by haiku, and yet
Somewhat mystified.

I thought that I’d find
An email address, Twitter
Somewhere haiku goes.

Undeterred, logged in
To find myself here with you,
Offering poems.

High poetry, no
But concision lends a grace
Even to this scrawl.

What follows, below
Sixteen tufts of bad haiku
One after the next

This, from me to you
Is your Christmas, presently
Scared? Look away now…

:joy: :crazy_face:

I just now deployed
My app across hemispheres
Remarkably quick

It’s satisfying takes the cake
And shares it with us

DevOps scares newbies
And with good reason, I think
I can skip that now

A new age of code
Is dawning upon us all
Cleaner, less cryptic

Haiku at login!
Japanese influences
Hark back to Ruby

Chris and the missus
Congrats on your little child
Entering the world

A great fit for this platform
Now, to hit the docs!

Framed pictures take pride of place
Joe Armstrong, Jose

Deploy across continents
Trivial effort

(If only I could
Compile haiku to bytecode
I’d be tickled pink.)

What would it mean, now
If pull requests had to come
In form of haiku?

These new Smart Cell things
Seem like metaprogramming
With nicer UI

Boyd Multerer says
Security’s a big deal
Watch out for Kry10

Phoenix from the ash
Recovers gracefully, yes
But wait, there’s more, see…

Haiku, once you start
Scrawling them across the page,
It’s hard to stop, no?

Guinness World Record
If I write enough haiku
One million to go!

< SNIP! > # collective sigh of relief #

Merry Christmas, everyone. Be safe and well. Warm wishes from Australia.

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