Help with automated migration from Heroku


I’ve used Heroku · Launch on to transfer my app from Heroku to It works great.

Now, I’d like to be able to continue to code and deploy. But I don’t know how to get my code from fly.

I’ve tried the other way around by starting from my rails app folder and launch a new Fly app. The problem there is that it doesn’t deploy at all. It’s weird because my local code and remote code on Heroku are the same.

Could you help me understand how to proceed?


I’m assuming you used git to deploy to Heroku, and you’re using that that also version your code.

Fly is different in that it doesn’t use git to deploy applications. Fly assumes that you’re using a different service, like Github, to manage and version your code so that the concerns of deploying application code is separate from versioning code. There’s good reasons for this, like you won’t have “deploying” … “deploying again” … “darn it it will work this time!” in your git history.

What you’ll want to do is start versioning your code using a service like Github. When you want to deploy you’ll enter fly deploy and when you want to commit your code you’ll run git commit followed by git push to push the changes to Github.

I understand that and I already use Github for other apps.

My problem is that with the automated migration process, the app works but if I want to deploy a new version later I don’t know how to do.
And with the “manual” process (command line), the app doesn’t deploy at all for a reason I don’t get.

Since the automated migration works,
I’m trying to find how to keep being able to deploy to the migrated app
what does the automated process do that I don’t do when I launch and deploy.

I hope it clarifies :slight_smile:

I’m new used fly, I signed up using email and I want to connect my github account to Fly. but on the Fly dashboard I can’t find a feature to connect it. do you know and can you help me?

(I’m an other Florent and I have the same problem :sweat_smile:)

Yes it’s quite awkward: Turboku works great showing that the migration is possible, but then you’re stuck here, unable to finish it in an usable way.

I don’t understand why Fly doesn’t help us much in the migration path…

When the Turboku migration is ok. which is really great, we should have a conf generator to allow us to do the manual launch by ourself and so finish the migration.

I may be misunderstanding what you are looking for, so I’ll ask it in the form of a question. Is the following what you are looking for:

heroku git:clone -a myapp
cd myapp
fly launch

Regarding my initial request, the answer is NO.

  1. I tried that and it didn’t work (deploy failed).

  2. I tried the “web auto-migrating tool” and it worked.
    BUT I didn’t have my code locally and when I got it from Heroku and tried to have a simple change deployed to, I then wondered “How do I get the deploy infos Fly used with the automated process so that I deploy to the SAME app?” I couldn’t find that and trying to deploy resulted the same as 1.

In the end, I had to fully review my code until the command-line deploy worked… Now, I’m good.

We need the conf on the side which is generated by Turboku

we need to have what to put in fly.toml !

I solve some problems:

builder “heroku/buildpacks:20”

is OK to acces to Heroku base buildpack

Have a requirements.txt allows to have Python correcly build.


buildpacks = [“heroku-community/apt”]

doesn’t works while the app deployed with Turboku has a working Apt buildpack.

So I need the magic from Turboku to make it happen in my conf file

Note: I’ve never used heroku, so I haven’t tried it myself, but looking at the code, what you are describing is what flyctl turboku · Fly Docs tries to do.

Is ther only one peolpe at to try to help the newcomers ?

Why doing Turboku to prove to people that they can use fly,io, and let them in this horrible situation, not able to finish their migration ?

We are indeed a small team, and this is the holiday season. We offer free and paid support options: Support · Fly Docs. If you are relying on the community forum, I encourage you to be patient.

My primary focus at the moment is helping Rails users with Dockerfiles. If you are willing to try Python with Dockerfiles, I may be able to help.

Thanks a lot for your time.

What upset me is that Turboku works, so I know your service is great.

What we need is just the conf files used by Turboku to make the app work.

I’m running into this same issue. The migration path via Heroku · Launch on works beautifully! Although I’m stuck after that, how do I get that app to update and push new code? Please help!