flyctl platform regions
lists… regions Fly has presence in… or so I thought (nb, the docs are out-of-date).
➜ fly platform regions
ams Amsterdam, Netherlands ✓
cdg Paris, France ✓
den Denver, Colorado (US)
dfw Dallas, Texas (US) ✓
ewr Secaucus, NJ (US)
fra Frankfurt, Germany ✓
gru São Paulo
hkg Hong Kong, Hong Kong ✓
iad Ashburn, Virginia (US) ✓
jnb Johannesburg, South Africa
lax Los Angeles, California (US) ✓
lhr London, United Kingdom ✓
maa Chennai (Madras), India ✓
mad Madrid, Spain
mia Miami, Florida (US)
nrt Tokyo, Japan ✓
ord Chicago, Illinois (US) ✓
scl Santiago, Chile ✓
sea Seattle, Washington (US) ✓
sin Singapore ✓
sjc San Jose, California (US) ✓
syd Sydney, Australia ✓
yul Montreal, Canada
yyz Toronto, Canada ✓
Until I couldn’t deploy a Fly Machine app to den
for which flyctl
blit out 3 regions not part of the output above.
➜ fly m run<img> --config fly.machines.toml --name <uniq-machine-name> --region den
Searching for image '<img>' remotely...
image found: img_d3adbeefdeadb33f
Image size: 000 MB
Error could not launch machine: failed to launch VM: Region 'den' cannot host
your machine. Please use one of: scl, atl, sea, jnb, vin, ams, cdg, dfw, fra, dfw,
hkg, lax, ord, ewr, iad, syd, yyz, syd, yul, cdg, dfw, hkg, iad, lax, lhr, lhr, jnb, mia,
scl, sea, sjc, iad, ewr, ams, fra, mia, ord, sea, sjc, syd, yyz, ams, ord, dfw, fra, hkg,
lax, lax, lhr, mad, nrt, cdg, sea, sin, sin, gru, sjc, syd, nrt, maa
The one’s missing are atl
, vin
, jnb
Which begs the question: What’s the source of truth for current Fly regions?