Source of truth for regions

flyctl platform regions lists… regions Fly has presence in… or so I thought (nb, the docs are out-of-date).

➜  fly platform regions
CODE	NAME                        	GATEWAY 
ams 	Amsterdam, Netherlands      	✓      	
cdg 	Paris, France               	✓      	
den 	Denver, Colorado (US)       	       	
dfw 	Dallas, Texas (US)          	✓      	
ewr 	Secaucus, NJ (US)           	       	
fra 	Frankfurt, Germany          	✓      	
gru 	São Paulo                   	       	
hkg 	Hong Kong, Hong Kong        	✓      	
iad 	Ashburn, Virginia (US)      	✓      	
jnb 	Johannesburg, South Africa  	       	
lax 	Los Angeles, California (US)	✓      	
lhr 	London, United Kingdom      	✓      	
maa 	Chennai (Madras), India     	✓      	
mad 	Madrid, Spain               	       	
mia 	Miami, Florida (US)         	       	
nrt 	Tokyo, Japan                	✓      	
ord 	Chicago, Illinois (US)      	✓      	
scl 	Santiago, Chile             	✓      	
sea 	Seattle, Washington (US)    	✓      	
sin 	Singapore                   	✓      	
sjc 	San Jose, California (US)   	✓      	
syd 	Sydney, Australia           	✓      	
yul 	Montreal, Canada            	       	
yyz 	Toronto, Canada             	✓      	

Until I couldn’t deploy a Fly Machine app to den for which flyctl blit out 3 regions not part of the output above.

➜ fly m run<img> --config fly.machines.toml --name <uniq-machine-name> --region den
Searching for image '<img>' remotely...
image found: img_d3adbeefdeadb33f
Image size: 000 MB
Error could not launch machine: failed to launch VM: Region 'den' cannot host 
your machine. Please use one of: scl, atl, sea, jnb, vin, ams, cdg, dfw, fra, dfw, 
hkg, lax, ord, ewr, iad, syd, yyz, syd, yul, cdg, dfw, hkg, iad, lax, lhr, lhr, jnb, mia, 
scl, sea, sjc, iad, ewr, ams, fra, mia, ord, sea, sjc, syd, yyz, ams, ord, dfw, fra, hkg, 
lax, lax, lhr, mad, nrt, cdg, sea, sin, sin, gru, sjc, syd, nrt, maa

The one’s missing are atl, vin, jnb.

Which begs the question: What’s the source of truth for current Fly regions?

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Good question! I can confirm that fly platform regions is the definitive list of regions where you can deploy.

I’m not sure why you weren’t able to deploy a machine to den; as one of the newer regions it’s possible machines aren’t supported there just yet. Thanks for letting us know, and for pointing that out about the docs.


What about these three regions (atl, vin, jnb) that don’t show up on flyctl platform regions radar? I’ve successfully deployed Machines to them without flyctl complaining about it.

That error message could be displaying a list of locations where we have hosts, which is why it doesn’t map 1:1 to regions.

For jnb– what fly version are you using? I can see jnb in fly platform regions on the latest version of flyctl:

channel: latest
last_checked_at: 2022-09-19T15:22:45.674693283-04:00
    version: v0.0.393
    prerelease: false

The vin region refers to a subset of hosts in Virginia. I’d guess the same holds true for atl and mia.

I’d recommend deploying to iad or mia instead, if only for simplicity’s sake, but you certainly can (as you saw).

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Gotcha. I am on the latest flyctl, I think

flyctl v0.0.393 linux/amd64 Commit: b792bf9c BuildDate: 2022-09-16T19:19:44Z

(I can see jnb too; my mistake)

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Thanks again for bringing this up! We always want to make sure that fly platform regions is the source of truth for regions available to both nomad and machine apps ;sweat_smile:

You might have noticed already, but I wanted to also confirm here that den is definitely available for machine deployments now.

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Just today, all Machine VMs (of app, udns) went down at the same time. I want to move production traffic to Fly over from Cloudflare by Dec (because Machines might be 2x cheaper for our workloads despite the egress fees levied by Fly)… But: Machines going down all at once like a pack of cards is scary for a DNS service that pretty much needs to be available 24x7. I’ve left those unresponsive Machines intact for now (all stuck in the started state since forever) in case Fly needs them around to debug.

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Oh yikes, thanks for reposting that – we can definitely look into what happened there for you!

Machines going down all at once like a pack of cards is scary for a DNS service that pretty much needs to be available 24x7

Machines going down all at once is scary for us too-- thanks also for leaving your app up for us to poke at. Hopefully that’ll help readily pinpoint where things went sideways. We’ll update your previous thread with any new info we dig up.


The nice map on could do with updating. Looks like the map on Regions · Fly Docs is a screenshot of that map? (It also shows 23 locations, rather than the 22 mentioned in the text: I only noticed from the alt text!)

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