Hey everyone,
We would like to offer a preview of our new Postgres offering built on top of Fly Machines. This preview represents our first big, visible step towards Fly Apps V2.
Fly Apps V2 is our next-gen architecture built on top of Machines. Fly Apps V1 is our current architecture orchestrated by Nomad.
I would like to re-emphasis that this is a preview and that there are some known rough edges that we are actively working through. This should not be used in production quite yet.
Getting started
Make sure you are running the latest version of flyctl
and issue the following command:
fly postgres create --machines
For documentation, head over to: Fly Postgres · Fly Docs
A Few Noteworthy Highlights
Built-on Machines
Read more about Fly Machines here: Machines · Fly Docs
Flyctl specific documentation is coming soon!
Fly Apps V2 offers a more direct-line of communication with individual VM’s. This will allows updates, restarts, etc. to be issued to given VM without having to interact with our centralized API. This will provide a much better experience for everyone, but especially to those of you operating outside of the U.S…
Orchestration has gotten substantially more flexible and can now be managed through our Machines API. This has allowed us to make significant improvements to our Postgres tooling and has introduced exciting new opportunities for client side orchestration. In fact, all of our Postgres on Machines orchestration is now managed by flyctl
Please let us know what you think and please report any issues you may come across. Also, feel free to send over any questions you may have!