MySQL Workbench Setup?

I’ve been trying to set up SQL Workbench to connect to my MySQL app.

I followed all of the directions here: Use a MySQL Database · Fly Docs

However, I keep getting errors when trying to connect. It says “Failed to connect to MySQL at…”.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to get a visual DB editor working? I don’t need to use MySQL Workbench either if there are other tools.

Hi @AnthonyLatona ,
Can you attach a screenshot with the complete error you are getting from MySQL Workbench?

Madhurya Dutta

Sure! I’m not sure it’s very helpful though.
I’m using the given hostname and default port.
I’m sure I’m missing something obvious… first time I’ve used and trying to understand the platform.


I’m totally open to any application that will connect to the DB so I can modify it. Any ideas?

Hi @AnthonyLatona ,
I believe the guide you are following is for accessing the database within Fly’s internal network.

However, since you are trying to connect to the MySQL database from your PC (outside Fly’s internal network/address), you may need a WireGuard VPN connection or a dedicated IP (if you are using a shared IP). This is because some previous discussion mentioned that you can’t make a TCP connection using a shared IP, and MySQL uses a TCP connection. The host name you are providing ( can only work with HTTP connections.

While I am not an expert in WireGuard VPN and TCP connections, I think other community members will be able to help with this.


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Excellent! I couldn’t get it working with SQL Workbench but I got the proxy working and was able to connect with DBeaver which worked perfectly. Thank you!

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