C:\Users\Chimeziri Anyanwu\support-engineer-challenge> flyctl doctor
Testing authentication token… PASSED
Testing flyctl agent… PASSED
Testing local Docker instance… PASSED
Pinging WireGuard gateway (give us a sec)… PASSED
App specific checks for tasks-done:
Checking that app has ip addresses allocated… PASSED
Checking A record for tasks-done.fly.dev… PASSED
Checking AAAA record for tasks-done.fly.dev… PASSED
Build checks for tasks-done:
Checking docker context size (this may take little bit)… PASSED (25 kB)
Checking for .dockerignore… PASSED
I tired using Fly Doctor to debug it, everything ticked “Passed”.
Earlier, It said "Nope"for Docker, i had install docker locally and it “passed” and yet it fails to deploy appropriately without being suspended.
What type of application? Does it run locally? Isn’t that like one-shot? For example, if the implementation is such that the application shuts down after processing is complete, the Fly runner will try to keep restarting it.