I also host an pocketbase application. Everything worked fine for 1-2 months but now the machine is stuck restarting:
ams [error] [PM01] machines API returned an error: “machine still attempting to start”
i tried to reset the machine from the terminal with fly machine restart and fly machine stop buy i get the error:
Error: failed to restart machine 6830159c74ded8: could not stop machine 6830159c74ded8: failed to restart VM 6830159c74ded8: unknown: process not found (Request ID: 01J5V9SS1A3Q2YGR01YES7X2CF-fra)
If it’s not possible to fix the machine, would it be possible to still access the data of my pocketbase instance?
(I was just an instant away from flagging this—before noticing the 1 new sentence.)
Basically, you fork the volume and then attach it to a generic Debian-only Machine. Doing so allows you to SFTP the entire contents of the volume onto your local laptop/desktop.
Thanks. But there is no way to fix my issue, only option is to recover data? How can it be that I have this issue (and i’m not the only one), Fly.io should fix the issue right?