Machine stuck restarting. "machine still attempting to start"

basically I have the exact same issue: Link: machine stuck restarting, current state invalid? , the issue was never fixed (it was the fault of

My Issue:

I also host an pocketbase application. Everything worked fine for 1-2 months but now the machine is stuck restarting:

ams [error] [PM01] machines API returned an error: “machine still attempting to start”

i tried to reset the machine from the terminal with fly machine restart and fly machine stop buy i get the error:

Error: failed to restart machine 6830159c74ded8: could not stop machine 6830159c74ded8: failed to restart VM 6830159c74ded8: unknown: process not found (Request ID: 01J5V9SS1A3Q2YGR01YES7X2CF-fra)

If it’s not possible to fix the machine, would it be possible to still access the data of my pocketbase instance?

Thanks for any help!

Yes, but please do avoid reposts of the exact same content.

(I was just an instant away from flagging this—before noticing the 1 new sentence.)

Basically, you fork the volume and then attach it to a generic Debian-only Machine. Doing so allows you to SFTP the entire contents of the volume onto your local laptop/desktop.

Thanks. But there is no way to fix my issue, only option is to recover data? How can it be that I have this issue (and i’m not the only one), should fix the issue right?

Okay so for anyone interested on how to fix this issue, here’s how I fixed it:

  1. In your cmd do the command: fly scale count 2 -a “your-appname”
  2. remove your old machine
  3. do the same command again: fly scale count 2 -a “your-appname” it should now say “1 unattached volumes to be assigned to group ‘app’ in region ‘ams’”.
  4. Delete the other volume and machine, now you have one machine and volume again and have access to all your data and API’s!

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