LHR/UK network connection issues

Anyone else having network connection (speed/timeouts) in LHR?

Hey Matthew, we are currently looking into some possible packet loss issues in LHR. For now, if you can, it might not be a bad idea to clone to a nearby region and then cordon your LHR Machines.

Edit: if your app’s Machines have volumes, this won’t work.

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Thanks that has helped one of our clients who doesn’t use volumes.

Could be an issue also on MAD region? We’re seeing magically:

2024-03-05T16:27:39.230 proxy[080ee73f943298] mad [error] timed out while connecting to your instance. this indicates a problem with your app (hint: look at your logs and metrics)

2024-03-05T16:27:41.034 proxy[080ee73f943298] mad [error] timed out while connecting to your instance. this indicates a problem with your app (hint: look at your logs and metrics)

2024-03-05T16:27:41.274 proxy[48edd71a921e08] ams [error] could not find a good candidate within 90 attempts at load balancing

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