Improving the personalized Status page

The personalized Status page is something we rolled out a while back. Based on the feedback we’ve received since then, in many cases the page created more confusion than answers. We’re hoping our latest update to the page will solve most of those problems.

Of course, many of these changes were obvious in hindsight. :roll_eyes:

A few goals here:

  • More transparency around issues
  • It should be easy and effortless to answer the basic question “is something wrong right now?” without having to second guess because of UI peculiarities


  • Timeline of events

    • Incidents and Maintenance events will now show a detailed timeline of updates.
  • Improved UI

    • Rather than two separate lists for “global” incidents (one’s that show up on our public status page) and maintenance issues, there’s just one list now.
    • “global” incidents are still highest priority, so they’ll appear at the top.
    • No more relative timestamps (1 hour ago, 45 minutes ago) :-1:. Explicit timestamps are way more sensible :+1:.


Personalized Status

  • We’ve added a blurb to the public status page that links to your personalized Status page. This will make it easy to get from one to the other.

Some things we’re still thinking about:

  • More reporting of incidents via email and other forms of communication
  • Ability to subscribe to updates on a case by case basis
  • Our personal Status pages are scoped per-organization at the moment, but it may be more sensible to have a page for issues across all orgs.

Overall we hope these changes will make the page much usable and even reduce the necessity to visit our public status page.

We’d love to hear what you think. Reliability is at the forefront of our minds. :brain:

This is a great chance to voice your opinions about the page or suggest ideas for how we can more directly communicate with you about these sorts of incidents.


Without notification integration (e.g. Slack notifications) and incident history, the personalized status page is really limited in usefulness. It needs feature parity with the public status page.

  • History is super important in case you are investigating after a service interruption is over.
  • Notifications would be great too
  • a page for issues across all orgs +1
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