Improved regions labels

Happy Wednesday! :wave:t3:

We’ve shipped a UI improvement to make the region labels more readable, including the country flag and the full location in a tooltip.

It’s still totally cool to run fly platform regions though!


Awesome, it looks really nice and makes it easier to tell which region it is (especially for those weird codes that don’t quite line up with the region name).


@charsleysa I’ve had 100% success rate looking up “weird” codes as 3-letter IATA airport codes as that’s there the region codes come from.

For example, google “maa airport code” and it’ll tell you it’s the Chennai airport in India. Another one, this is probably familiar to people who travel frequently as it’s a very commonly used airport, but for a mere mortal like me, there’s zero correlation between iad and Dulles airport in Virginia. yul is Montreal, yyz is Toronto (if you look those up in Wikipedia you’ll get some interesting trivia about where the names come from and why Canadian airport codes start with Y, but for “where the hell is this region” purposes, a simple airport code lookup will do.

This trick will probably be less necessary now with this recent change to the UI, though :slight_smile:

  • Daniel