I was charged $5 even though my org has no apps

In January, I launched an app and was charged $50 for a landing page and a database. I wasn’t sure how I ended up on a $50 plan, but ok, maybe it was a customer error. I deleted my apps a couple of days into February, expecting it would be my final invoice.

I logged in today and saw a $5 charge on my account for March. How? I don’t have any apps in my org at all. Am I getting charged just for the privilege of having an org in your dashboard? I’ve gone ahead and deleted the org, too. Hopefully, there will be no more charges.

I have another org in my account running a full app + database on the same hobby plan and am paying $8.25/mo, yet I am being charged $5 for an empty org. Does an org get charged even when it has no apps?

It’s not the dollar amount troubling me but the unclarity of it all. Maybe it’s all my fault. Perhaps I missed the fine print. But I need to understand how I’m being charged for an account that didn’t have any apps running in March.

On a separate note, I’d love to message support, and even though I’m a paying customer, I don’t have the option to do that either. Is this chat room our only recourse for billing disputes?

Ok, so this does seem to be the case. Simply creating an organization is what costs $5/mo. When I deleted my apps, I assumed the charges would go away. But it seems the charge is attached to the organization, and I must have missed that.

I guess it’s a customer error after all.

Hi @d71,

We have a billing support email address that you can email regardless of what plan you’re on: billing@fly.io. We don’t discuss individual billing cases on this public forum for the obvious reasons, so that is definitely the place to get that kind of support!

Additionally, we’re not trying to be in the business of springing unexpected charges on you. If you find yourself in such a situation, please do reach out to that address.

It appears to be a case of customer error. I was super excited to launch my app that I must have missed the fine print. I had done it before with a previous app so I thought the $5 credit was still a thing and that I would get it since all I was doing was deploying an app and an empty database.

But when I selected the database from the terminal I wasn’t aware of the cost associated with it (maybe I missed it).

So then, when I shut the apps down, I assumed that the cost was going to go away since I wasn’t running any apps.

Once I started poking around I saw that the cost was associated with the organization and not the apps themselves. This seems odd to me, but y’all are up front about it so again, it’s a customer error.

I feel pretty dumb for having paid around $60 bucks for effectively a hobby project with nothing more than a landing page, but it’s my fault for not paying close enough attention. I’m just hoping that since the organization has been deleted that the charges will stop.

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