Documentation says that ipv6 are free and ipv4 are billable.
How do I assign only ipv6 address?
Documentation says that ipv6 are free and ipv4 are billable.
How do I assign only ipv6 address?
If you have flyctl installed you can use this command :
flyctl ips allocate-v6 --app <your_app>
It will only assign an ipv6 address. You need to do the same command, and replace the 6 with a 4 to assign an ipv4 address.
If I check existing apps, it seems like they are assigned ipv4 by default. I cannot find how to configure fly not to do that.
I don’t know what you are looking, but mine definitely do.
Regardless. While it might be free, I am looking for ways how to optimize app load time. I would think that reducing the requirement for ipv4 could help.
My app, my db, and my builder. They all have no ipv4/ipv6 by default.
I check mine using:
query ($name: String!) {
app(name: $name) {
ipAddresses {
nodes {
and they def do.
Their spec does not mention anything about ipv4/ipv6
Will need to wait for someone from their team to follow up