How does pricing work?

I am very beginner,

Fly App Pricing · Fly Docs → I really did not understand what is written here. Can you please explain me in simple terms.

Or please correct my understanding:
Free plan includes: 2 x 256mb of installation size for files like server.js, models, controllers, view … folders, I mean source code folders/files.

not 3 but 2: because there is a free builder, I don’t know if I can remove it.

3gb for database
160gb for sending data from flyio server to outside.

Can I leave my server always open if set it in configurations? And does it matter for hobby plan?

Thank you.


You can basically consider usage under $5 a month as being free:

The free builder is, yep, free. That one isn’t counted in your usage and doesn’t count in the 3 vms given as an example. Ignore that builder. Yes you can remove it but a new one will just come back, so don’t.

You can leave your VM running 24/7. As you can see on the pricing page, leaving 1 of the shared-cpu 256MB RAM VMs for a whole month is under $5. No problem with that.

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