How do I upgrade a volume to a larger size and KEEP its data?

Hello! I’ve created a volume for an app but it’s running out of disk space. Is it possible to increase the size of it without losing my data ? If not can you recommend me a proper procedure/recipe to transfer my data to another, bigger volume?


We don’t have a way to resize volumes yet! What kind of data do you have on the volume? And how much data?

The simplest thing to might be to install something like s3sync in your app image, then SSH to the VM and copy the files to an S3 bucket. Then create a new volume with a different name, update your app config to mount that one instead, and copy the data back down.

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It should also be possible to directly copy data between two VMs using a standard tool like SCP, if you’re ok with starting a new instance with a bigger volume, copying in the data from the old one and then switching over to that.

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Hello @kurt and @sudhir.j thank you very much for the answers! I will research this a bit more because I haven’t used s3sync (nor s3) till now and I haven’t yet been able to configure ssh connection between two instances…

Would it be possible to attach multiple volumes to a single instace? This would solve the problem easiliy with a simple cp -rf :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to get some premium support on this? We’d like to properly solve this today to avoid workarounds, and would rather not experiment without some guidance.

A few more details that might help with suggested options:

  • This is an internal service, 5-60 minutes of downtime is fine
  • We have other fly apps for staging/UAT, so we can copy files between apps if needed

For the thread, we have now solved this by manually downloading to an external server and reuploading as suggested. I suspect there was a nicer way to do between the apps directly for next time.

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Would it be possible to attach multiple volumes to a single instace?

It isn’t possible to attach multiple volumes to at single instance at this point.

I suspect there was a nicer way to do between the apps directly for next time.

Will post a guide if I can find a nicer way, but as of now I’d recommend treating the problem as two linux laptops side by side on the same network — pretty much any way to move data between them should work here.