I also tried to deploy an app, and can’t seem to access it. The config I was using was working yesterday… is there any issues at DNS or proxy. To help: my app is ( gdcwa.fly.dev ).
I don’t see any errors or unexpected behaviour from fly.dev DNS. I also tried adding IPs to a test app and they are resolved correctly.
@elliots I can’t look at your app since you haven’t posted the app name. if you don’t want to share it publicly, email me at “myname at fly dot io” and I can take a look later.
@kaleng DNS is working correctly for your app, but it looks like you don’t have any ports set in your service config. maybe you want http_service instead App configuration (fly.toml) · Fly Docs
Provisioning ips for upowr-nextday
Dedicated ipv6: 2a09:8280:1::65:9bb4:0
Shared ipv4:
Add a dedicated ipv4 with: fly ips allocate-v4
and the domain can now be resolved.
If i add the second service and deploy again, everything is fine. (so when i’d updated a previous app it kept working, hence thinking there was an issue with new apps)
With the new app, no errors or prompts were coming up (because this is called from ci, not interactive).
When running locally it prompts with ? Would you like to allocate dedicated ipv4 and ipv6 addresses now? which, no I don’t want a dedicated ipv4, just the shared one.
This is one from yesterday - upowr-morespace.fly.dev (didnt work)
This is one from today - upowr-nextday.fly.dev (removed the second internal service, deployed, added it back, deployed again, now working)
Right, services don’t work like that - all services will be available to all IP addresses on the app. Not sure what internal = true does, it doesn’t seem to be documented
I’m not 100% on the fly deploy flow, but you might want to try fly ips list, then fly ips allocate-v4 --shared. It’s likely fly deploy is failing to prompt in CI because there is no terminal to reply on.