Error while creating a PG instance, app stuck in "pending" and `failed` state in the volume


I’ve just started playing around with and immediately ran into some issues: I can’t provision a free-tier Postgres instance in waw region, it gets stuck in pending. I tried multiple times deleting the PG instance and recreating, but it’s always fails:

  1. flyctl postgres create ends with Error upstream service is unavailable.
  2. flyctl apps list shows the state of the app as pending.
  3. flyctl vol list shows the volume for the PG instance as failed.

This all happens in waw region, while other regions are OK I think (apart from Romania, which said ouldn't allocate volume, no disks available (region: otp, size_gb: 1)).

I think the error in otp region is much more helpful :slight_smile:

I tried to reproduce the problem but couldn’t:

$ fly pg create
? Choose an app name (leave blank to generate one): pg-on-waw
? Select Organization: Daniel Graña (personal)
? Select region: Warsaw, Poland (waw)
? Select configuration: Development - Single node, 1x shared CPU, 256MB RAM, 1GB disk
Creating postgres cluster in organization personal
Creating app...
Setting secrets on app pg-on-waw...Provisioning 1 of 1 machines with image flyio/postgres:14.4
Waiting for machine to start...
Machine 9e784400fe6834 is created
==> Monitoring health checks
  Waiting for 9e784400fe6834 to become healthy (started, 3/3)

Postgres cluster pg-on-waw created
  Username:    postgres
  Password:    AyT3X4UoCxVm96F
  Hostname:    pg-on-waw.internal
  Proxy port:  5432
  Postgres port:  5433
  Connection string: postgres://postgres:AyT3X4UoCxVm96F@pg-on-waw.internal:5432

Save your credentials in a secure place -- you won't be able to see them again!

Connect to postgres
Any app within the Daniel Graña organization can connect to this Postgres using the following credentials:
For example: postgres://postgres:AyT3X4UoCxVm96F@pg-on-waw.internal:5432

Now that you've set up postgres, here's what you need to understand:

Can you run LOG_LEVEL=debug fly pg create and share the whole output? :bug: :eye: