Error tunnel unavailable: failed probing "personal": context deadline exceeded

trying to connect to my server to run a rake command and i’m getting this now.

i updated flyctl and re-authed. any other tips or things i should do?

side note: is there a way to kick off a long running rake task and close the terminal?

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Getting this on deploying aswell, not sure what’s up

So this implies that your flyctl client is having trouble reaching your organization’s wireguard VPN. There are a few things you can to do check your local connection to your organization’s network:

  • fly doctor as a basic diagnostic: this will confirm that your agent/auth are working, and ping the wireguard gateway
  • bounce the connection: create a new wireguard peer, and remove the old one:
fly wg list # see which peer you're using
fly wg reset # generate a new one 
fly wg remove # remove the old one
  • other fly wireguard subcommands might come in handy, depending on what the underlying issue is
fly wg status
# view detailed statistics for a connection 
fly wg websockets enable
# tunnel wg traffic over websockets to sidestep LAN issues 

We’ll also be sure to look into this on our end to make sure everything looks OK on our end!

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how many listings should there be under the list command? i reset and removed the others

when i run fly wg status i get:

Error upstream service is unavailable

So normally you’d see a list of the connections/peers that fly has made for you. We can definitely look into this for you. Is it just wg status? Are you able to see your connections via wg list?

i can see a list, yeah.

i have 2 items currently, unsure if i should share those

No, it’s okay-- I was just trying to quickly help rule out any issues with your local flyctl install. Have you tried enabling websockets (fly wireguard websockets enable) yet?

yeah, i think so

For me, this was due to low memory, scaling app will help

yeah, that seems to be a common response but i was already on the dedicated plan and accrued $~14 in the 4-5 days the app was running. not sure i need to spend more money just to connect to my instance.

i’ve since deleted the app though since there was no resolution

I don’t think it was RAM on yours, it was likely this: WireGuard Peers Got Faster Again, Again

getting this error:

Connecting to tunnel :earth_africa:Error: tunnel unavailable: failed probing “personal”: context deadline exceeded

I have tried all the solutions found in this community but nothing works. kindly help me. I am tying to connect to my app

I got this error today and running fly wg reset fixed the problem.