The ruby version needs to match the one specified in the following locations: “Gemfile.lock”, “Gemfile”, “.ruby_version”. See: flyctl/rails.go at ae87986faaed792d1ea6153529306a0b2972bc52 · superfly/flyctl · GitHub
This was a recent regression introduced in flyctl: Update base Rails image to point to Debian 11 (from Debian 10) · superfly/flyctl@c3b42b6 · GitHub . See the pull request for more background information: Update base Rails image to point to Debian 11 (from Debian 10) by bradgessler · Pull Request #1462 · superfly/flyctl · GitHub . I was the one to merge the pull request, but likely will be reverting it while looking for a better solution.
It looks like the latest debian image for each ruby version is as follows:
I produced the above list with the following code:
require 'net/https'
require 'json'
tags = []
debian_releases = %w(stretch buster bullseye bookworm)
Net::HTTP.start('', 443, use_ssl: true) do |http|
(1..).each do |page|
request = "/api/v1/repository/{page}&limit=100"
response = http.request request
body = JSON.parse(response.body)
tags += body['tags'].map {|tag| tag['name']}.grep /jemalloc-\w+-slim/
break unless body['has_additional']
ruby_releases = tags.group_by {|tag| tag.split('-').first}.
map do |release, tags|
[release, tags.max_by {|tag| debian_releases.find_index(tag[/jemalloc-(\w+)-slim/, 1]) || -1}]