My deploy was working well but last night started to fail. Any hints?
✓ Configuration is valid
--> Verified app config
==> Building image
Remote builder fly-builder-misty-sun-7435 ready
Remote builder fly-builder-misty-sun-7435 ready
==> Building image with Docker
--> docker host: 24.0.7 linux x86_64
[+] Building 1.7s (14/22)
=> [internal] load .dockerignore 0.2s
=> => transferring context: 756B 0.2s
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.2s
=> => transferring dockerfile: 2.58kB 0.2s
=> resolve image config for docker.io/docker/dockerfile:1 0.8s
=> CACHED docker-image://docker.io/docker/dockerfile:1@sha256:dbbd5e059e8a07ff7ea6233b213b36aa516b4c53c645f1817a4dd18b83cbea56 0.0s
=> [internal] load metadata for docker.io/library/ruby:3.2.2-slim 0.3s
=> [internal] load build context 0.2s
=> => transferring context: 31.89kB 0.2s
=> [base 1/3] FROM docker.io/library/ruby:3.2.2-slim@sha256:b1b1636eb4e9d3499fc6166f54f7bb96d792e005b887091346fd1ae01ad97229 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 2/3] WORKDIR /rails 0.0s
=> CACHED [base 3/3] RUN gem update --system --no-document && gem install -N bundler 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 1/9] RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y build-essential curl libpq-dev node-gyp pkg-config python-is-python3 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 2/9] RUN curl -sL https://github.com/nodenv/node-build/archive/master.tar.gz | tar xz -C /tmp/ && /tmp/node-build-master/bin/node-build "18.16.0" /u 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 3/9] COPY --link Gemfile Gemfile.lock ./ 0.0s
=> CACHED [build 4/9] RUN bundle install && bundle exec bootsnap precompile --gemfile && rm -rf ~/.bundle/ $BUNDLE_PATH/ruby/*/cache $BUNDLE_PATH/ruby/*/bundler/ 0.0s
=> ERROR [build 5/9] COPY --link package.json package-lock.json yarn.lock ./ 0.0s
> [build 5/9] COPY --link package.json package-lock.json yarn.lock ./:
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: failed to compute cache key: failed to calculate checksum of ref f7de9bd4-0138-4474-9cae-f6fbdab1172e::nyipwx1yvethbamytxmn7yl3f: "/package-lock.json": not found```
I ran the fly doctor command and the result was:
Testing authentication token… PASSED
Testing flyctl agent… PASSED
Testing local Docker instance… Nope
Pinging WireGuard gateway (give us a sec)… PASSED
Testing WireGuard DNS… PASSED
Testing WireGuard Flaps… PASSED
App specific checks for rush-advantage:
Checking that app has ip addresses allocated… PASSED
Checking A record for rush-advantage.fly.dev… PASSED
Checking AAAA record for rush-advantage.fly.dev… PASSED
Build checks for rush-advantage:
Checking docker context size (this may take little bit)… PASSED (5.0 MB)
Checking for .dockerignore… PASSED