Unforuntately I can’t test if it works if I remove the app.staging.example.org certificate, because when I do remove it, it continues to be served under app.staging.example.org.
I had only added the certificate ‘*.my-example-domain.com’ whereas I needed to add a ‘my-example-domain.com’ certificate as well to serve the apex domain as https.
Thanks, but I think the error is different in my case, as I am not using an APEX domain but an actual subdomain instead, e.G. app.staging.example.org which in theory should be covered correctly by the wildcard *.example.org
Thanks @charsleysa, that makes sense and I think I actually run into this before as well but didn’t think about it.
I have added the other wildcard domain now, e.G. *.staging.example.org but again unfortunately I am unable to test if it works as removing the certificate from the fly dashboard doesn’t actually remove it from being served by the application/proxy. @sudhir.j this might be a bug worth to investigate?