Deploy error: unable to connect WireGuard tunnel

Ok. I’ll see if that’s possible. I assume there must be some caching (for e.g node_modules type stuff) so maybe you can choose what to cache. If so, that should help.

Thanks for investigating and the suggestions.

Update: for anyone using Codefresh for CI, it seems it is possible to cache files outside of your build folder (which is automatically cached) e.g

I haven’t tried it yet but seems like if the config.yml can persist, that should allow remote builds to work as it will re-use that prior config.yml :slight_smile:

Update 2 for anyone else with that timeout: that particular technique for persisting files did not work in Codefresh, but the principle does work.

Since YAML is a superset of JSON, I figured that the config file could be JSON. Despite the CLI looking for a config.yml file. And so I turned my config.yml into JSON so I could then store it in a secret (maybe I could do that directly with a YAML file, but figured the whitespace may cause fails if stored as a string). And then in CI, simply wrote that secret into a /config.yml prior to running fly deploy. Then … no waiting, and no time-outs. And builds now take seconds rather than many minutes (with all the time-outs, fails and fist-shaking too).

Yay. :rocket:


I am still having this error.

@Mustafa_Hanif It is to do with the time it takes for wireguard peers. Currently it’s so long the deploy often times out waiting for it.

If you can’t persist the config.yml file (which solves this issue, at least for me) in some way between deploys, the good news is that it seems like this issue may be solved very soon (as a result of this change):