So I have a requirement to flush the Redis cache on deployment, but currently there doesn’t seem to be an option for this?
Hey there,
Would you be able to provide some details on how you’re currently deploying Redis?
Hey Shaun!
Sorry, i’m talking about the default redis cluster that is accessible without configuration in each region. So i’m only deploying a new version of my Fly app, which connects to FLY_REDIS_CACHE_URL
I would expect the ability to flush any cache linked to that app if I needed to via the Fly ctl tool
I would expect the ability to flush any cache linked to that app if I needed to via the Fly ctl tool
@TheFlyingCoder We are beginning to move in that direction, however, the built-in Redis we offer by default is really just there for convenience and is quite limited given its multi-tenant nature.
If you need additional flexibility, I would recommend spinning up your own Redis. You could use our ready-to-go standalone setup here if it fits your use-case: GitHub - fly-apps/redis: Launch a Redis server on Fly.
Ahh all good, it’s really not worth maintaining a seperate instance given the simplicity of the cache store haha
I’ll work out an alternative way for now!
Thanks for the quick responses
Edit: Actually I’ll use this as an excuse to try out the custom redis instance setup, it doesn’t look too complex
Right on, let us know if you have any trouble!