cannot deploy or launch anything returns 500

We created new organization pay as go.
for some reason I cannot launch or deploy it gives error.

Update: we also put credit to test still same

Fly Doctor:

fly doctor                                                                                                                             10:48 
Testing authentication token... PASSED
Testing flyctl agent... PASSED
Testing local Docker instance... PASSED
Pinging WireGuard gateway (give us a sec)... PASSED
Testing WireGuard DNS... PASSED
Testing WireGuard Flaps... PASSED


Error: failed to list active VMs: request returned non-2xx status, 500 (Request ID: 01J175VBSQ2QW0MZ77WAKCQHEK-ist) (Trace ID: ee0ba7dc9caee01ad2eb71c338af7025)

Another: Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: failed to list VMs: request returned non-2xx status, 500 (Request ID: 01J1779VRNSPTJJ8XX78S46DFC-ist) (Trace ID: 28af8408880735389819a7ee7f8aac8c)

Same here, would like to deploy an existing application. running in the same issue since this morning:

~ ❯ fly deploy
==> Verifying app config
Validating fly.toml
✓ Configuration is valid
--> Verified app config
==> Building image
WARN Failed to start remote builder heartbeat: failed to list volumes: request returned non-2xx status, 500

==> Building image
WARN Failed to start remote builder heartbeat: failed to list VMs: request returned non-2xx status, 500

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: failed to list VMs: request returned non-2xx status, 500 (Request ID: 01J177YWFHX0XYJEEXJQCZG3HB-fra) (Trace ID: a8dcafb849f23fc5fcbb3ebe7ca27925)
~ ❯ fly incidents list 
There are no active incidents

fly doctor passed all tests.

now deployment runs until release command:

Running <redacted> release_command: /app/bin/migrate

 ✖ Failed: error running release_command machine: error creating a release_command machine: fail…
Error: release command failed - aborting deployment. error running release_command machine: error creating a release_command machine: failed to launch VM: request returned non-2xx status, 500 (Request ID: 01J17952ZMFD9V1D3CWKNNXMJ6-fra) (Trace ID: c26ba4ec815744d5707782fcf73bd209)

Update still cannot deploy or launch
Error: request returned non-2xx status, 500 (Request ID: 01J17A17VJY4WDZ5CYD750ESTR-ist) (Trace ID: 36378fcdbd27518210d70beb371d5927)

Hi @electwix @romain1 , I’ll investigate and get back to you asap. Thanks.

Hello! We found an impolite noisy neighbor that was affecting your deployments and relocated them. Would you mind to try again and let us know?

@aschiavo Thanks for you response, Unfortunately it is still fail in my end when try launch or deploy
Error: failed to list active VMs: request returned non-2xx status, 500 (Request ID: 01J17DPGHZZKCZ5HYYDNZ0Q9HQ-ist) (Trace ID: b944a4055863766167cc59747804fea6)

Sorry to hear that, lets keep investigating.

Can you share the region you are trying to deploy and app name?

@aschiavo, same here, when trying to scale down, the deploy is also not working (primary_region = “ams”)

Error: failed to list VMs even after retries: request returned non-2xx status, 500 (Request ID: 01J17E1CPV3184HST39CP4WPG3-fra)

UPDATE: After 20-30 minutes, it started working again.

app = ‘rest-backend-restless-moon-1673’
primary_region = ‘ams’

We’ve rolled out a fix.
@electwix please let me know if it works for you now.
@simson glad to see it working again for you.

works! thanks a lot!

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