Cannot create Redis database

Hey! I just tried to create a Redis database, but it fails with error: Error: input:8: mutation CreateAddOn.createAddOn.addOn.token Field ‘token’ doesn’t exist on type ‘AddOn’

Full session below:

flyctl redis create

**?** **Select Organization:** Fler (fler)

**?** **Choose a Redis database name (leave blank to generate one):** inside

Some regions require a paid plan (fra, maa).

See to set up a plan.

**?** **Choose a primary region (can't be changed later)** Stockholm, Sweden (arn)

Upstash Redis can evict objects when memory is full. This is useful when caching in Redis. This setting can be changed later.

Learn more at

**?** **Would you like to enable eviction?** No

Some regions require a paid plan (fra, maa).

See to set up a plan.

**?** **Optionally, choose one or more replica regions (can be changed later):**

**?** **Select an Upstash Redis plan** Free: 100 MB Max Data Size, ($0 / month)

Error: input:8: mutation CreateAddOn.createAddOn.addOn.token Field 'token' doesn't exist on type 'AddOn'

I think there is an issue currently. I would say try again in some hours from now. Even though its no in the status page here - Alot of other people have been mentioning similar errors with redis today. flyctl redis create, Field 'token' doesn't exist on type 'AddOn' error - #5 by masterjx9

I have a similar error Field ‘token’ doesn’t exist on type ‘AddOn’ when doing fly redis connect.

This was fixed in the latest version of flyctl. Upgrading should fix it. Sorry for the trouble!

Thanks @jsierles, upgrading fixed this! :+1:

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