flyctl redis create, Field 'token' doesn't exist on type 'AddOn' error

When running flyctl redis create and answering the prompts, I get this error at the end:

Error: input:8: mutation CreateAddOn.createAddOn.addOn.token Field 'token' doesn't exist on type 'AddOn'

It doesn’t seem to matter what I name the redis instance, what region I select, or whether I enable or disable eviction. I’m trying to use the free tier with a new test organization on my account. I’m running flyctl v0.1.97 on MacOS Ventura arm64.


I’m having the same issue, and tried on both MacOS (flyctl v0.1.85 darwin/amd64 Commit: 571aac05160668d9e70fc489e9d5a98893c0cc14 BuildDate: 2023-08-30T18:58:34Z) and Linux (flyctl v0.1.97 linux/amd64 Commit: 4e09fc60ad452dda368372a9767386d8a5c0549d BuildDate: 2023-09-20T20:00:40Z)

Same issue here. The free version of redis seemed way more stable.

Happens here too.

It happens to me too. However I am use the free version. I will do some testing and give an update since I think this is something new happening. I also checked but it doesn’t seem like there is anything on this yet.

We are also seeing this issue.

This seems to be the relevant github issue: Error creating Redis database · Issue #2829 · superfly/flyctl · GitHub

Hey everyone, this is a regression in the redis provisioning code. We are fixing it. Sorry about the inconvenience.

My sidekiq still report error from 5 hours ago.

RedisClient::CommandError: NOSCRIPT No matching script. Please use EVAL.

Just published a fix with the lastest flyctl version: Release v0.1.99 · superfly/flyctl · GitHub

I was hit by this as well, and I really needed to delete some keys, as we’d cached a buggy calculation. Unfortunate timing.

Luckily Upstash is reachable from any app in your organisation, although I think the app needs a static IP.

But I managed to find a workaround:

  1. Get Upstash connection URL:
    fly redis dashboard <your-org>
  2. SSH into machine:
    fly ssh console --app <your-app> (I used our staging app)
  3. Install redis:
    apt install redis
  4. Connect to redis:
    redis-cli -u "<connection-url>"

The connection url looks something like this:

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