Billed twice for the same upstash

I deleted my upstash via the CLI, and now I am seeing two copies of the same billing line item. To reiterate, I’ve only had one upstash db, and the $5.80 was what appeared before I removed it. Now there is “?” also displayed at the bottom, which I assume is some kind of updated bill for the same line item, but the previous line item wasn’t removed.

Seems like I can’t contact for support directly on this issue (shame), and instead have to post a picture of my bill publicly. Hopefully someone from fly can chime in.

PS there should be email support for users over a certain billing amount regardless of plan.

Hello there was a display issue that was leftover from when we switched some billing systems around. It was just a display issue but still confusing! Sorry about that.

If you check again you should just see the one on there now.

Yes that fixed it thank you!

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