Autoscale disable not working?

Setting autoscaling to disabled appears to have no effect either in CLI or using GraphQL API.


> flyctl autoscale disable
     Scale Mode: Disabled

> flyctl autoscale show
     Scale Mode: Standard
      Min Count: 1
      Max Count: 3

> flyctl releases
VERSION STABLE  TYPE    STATUS          DESCRIPTION                             USER                    DATE                 
v47     true    scale   succeeded       Update autoscaling config               nokome@...        7m2s ago            


 mutation {
  updateAutoscaleConfig(input: {
    appId: "APP_NAME",
    enabled: false,
  }) {
    app {
      autoscaling {


  "data": {
    "updateAutoscaleConfig": {
      "app": {
        "autoscaling": {
          "enabled": false

as expected, but then,

 query {
  app(name: "APP_NAME") {
    autoscaling {


  "data": {
    "app": {
      "autoscaling": {
        "enabled": true,
        "strategy": "PREFERRED_REGIONS"

Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

I can confirm this. Using cli v0.0.445 darwin/arm64 Commit: c714381a.

Only way to work around it is to run fly autoscale set min=1 max=1.

This still seems to be the case today. I was trying to disable it to migrate to v2. The migration was giving me this error:

Error: cannot migrate app farmish with autoscaling config, yet; watch for announcements about autoscale support with migrations

But disabling doesn’t work, and setting min/max to 1 didn’t seem to either.

This should be fixed now.