Is everything alright? The status page says so, but…
I’m having connection issues with wireguard to ams - the agent hangs on "establishing ". fly doctor
reports all good, but I’ve noticed it tries only personal org. I’ve tried to use fly from a remote box in Germany and there everything went fine. Once I’ve hoped on VPN to go to Germany too I could run fly commands locally just fine. I’ve checked the output of debug.fly.dev
and the difference was region: ams (broken) vs fra (working fine).
I’m experiencing volume creation & deployment errors similar to Timeout on CreatePostgresCluster.app - #10 by teamon for multiple regions.
I’m also missing logs for my apps since yesterday - empty log for failed deployments, empty log for new successful allocations, both in the cli and fly.io UI regardless of region.
Unfortunately this renders the platform quite unusable