VIN region?

Just noticed my app is running in VIN region, which is one of my two backup regions:

Region Pool: 
Backup Region: 

I don’t remember anything about VIN region, so I checked the available regions with flyctl platform regions:

CODE	NAME                        	GATEWAY 
ams 	Amsterdam, Netherlands      	✓      	
cdg 	Paris, France               	✓      	
dfw 	Dallas, Texas (US)          	✓      	
ewr 	Secaucus, NJ (US)           	       	
fra 	Frankfurt, Germany          	✓      	
gru 	São Paulo                   	       	
hkg 	Hong Kong                   	✓      	
iad 	Ashburn, Virginia (US)      	✓      	
lax 	Los Angeles, California (US)	✓      	
lhr 	London, United Kingdom      	✓      	
maa 	Chennai (Madras), India     	✓      	
mad 	Madrid, Spain               	       	
mia 	Miami, Florida (US)         	       	
nrt 	Tokyo, Japan                	✓      	
ord 	Chicago, Illinois (US)      	✓      	
scl 	Santiago, Chile             	✓      	
sea 	Seattle, Washington (US)    	✓      	
sin 	Singapore                   	✓      	
sjc 	Sunnyvale, California (US)  	✓      	
syd 	Sydney, Australia           	✓      	
yyz 	Toronto, Canada             	✓   

Now I am confused.
Where is VIN located? Any other unlisted regions available?
I’d love flyctl platform regions to be complete.

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This is a failover IAD region that we’ve labeled differently for various reasons. It’s not exactly a region people should choose! Adding it to backup regions by default was a mistake (because that’s surprising), but if you do want backup regions it’ll work just fine.