URGENT! **fly-foodbank-staging-web** and **fly-foodbank-dev-web** have been migrated to V2 and are not working

2 our apps fly-foodbank-staging-web and fly-foodbank-dev-web have been migrated to V2 and are not working. We see the following errors in logs now

2023-05-24T05:22:30Z runner[27cc3ed7] lhr [info]Shutting down virtual machine
2023-05-24T05:22:30Z app[27cc3ed7] lhr [info]- Gracefully stopping, waiting for requests to finish
2023-05-24T05:22:30Z app[27cc3ed7] lhr [info]=== puma shutdown: 2023-05-24 05:22:30 +0000 ===
2023-05-24T05:22:30Z app[27cc3ed7] lhr [info]- Goodbye!
2023-05-24T05:22:30Z app[27cc3ed7] lhr [info]Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 521
2023-05-24T05:22:31Z app[27cc3ed7] lhr [info]Starting clean up.
error.message=“client problem: invalid authority” 2023-05-24T06:04:23Z proxy sjc [error]request.method=“GET” request.url=“/” request.id=“01H165QJA9ARB6CSZ8Q59VAXHD-sjc” response.status=400
error.message=“client problem: no host specified in headers or uri” 2023-05-24T06:57:47Z proxy nrt [error]request.method=“GET” request.url=“/boaform/admin/formLogin?username=admin&psd=admin” request.id=“01H168SB4N76TAN3SKFEFFDT8V-nrt” response.status=400
error.message=“client problem: no host specified in headers or uri” 2023-05-24T07:24:24Z proxy lga [error]request.method=“GET” request.url=“/” request.id=“01H16AA2A37EYKXM968RZR9AMN-lga” response.status=400


Do those errors appear occasionally, or constantly? Only it’s possible some bot happened to make requests to the app at the same time and did not include any host (as the error message reports).

Take a look at this thread for some more on that particular issue.

If that error is logged for every request (including ones you are making e.g from a browser, and so do include a host header), the other possibility relates to using force_https. I don’t know if you are using that option, or any proxy (such as Cloudflare)?

In my case I had to manually restart my app using fly machine restart ID to get it going again after Fly migrated it.

the fly.io team automatically migrated us to V2 and degraded plans so our apps could work on low plans. we changed the plan and it works now. thanks!

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@greg I noticed the plan names changed, when migrating it looks like we were put on the lowest plan.

@matthewford Ah, that may be one for Fly’s billing team to resolve. You want to be getting the plan you are paying for! I’m already on the lowest plan so I guess wasn’t affected.

Can you tell us more about the plans change? There is nothing in the migration that should affect your plan, so this is either a coincidence or a bug!

After forced migration, plans for all applications became: shared-cpu-1x 1 shared 256MB

We have a lot of apps. I recently used the tool for automatic application migration and had no problems with plans

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